Village Organisations

The following village and local organisations are regular users of the Old School Hall, and as such are exempt from the requirement to pay a deposit or pay in advance. If your organisation is listed below you can make a booking and it will be confirmed without the need for a deposit or advance payment:

  • ACSA (Almondsbury Community Services Association – the Village Shop)
  • After School Club
  • AJBC (Almondsbury Joint Burial Committee)
  • Almondsbury Parish Council
  • Almondsbury Surgery
  • AVE (Almondsbury Village Events)
  • Ballet
  • Bootcamp
  • Caitlin Wednesday singing
  • Friday Club
  • Little Almonds Preschool
  • Local History Society
  • Louise Brinson Pilates
  • Mothers Union
  • PCC (Parochial Church Council of St Mary’s, Almondsbury)
  • St Mary’s Church Toddlers
  • The Severn Whalers (Jonathan Darley)
  • Thursday Lunch Club
  • Wine Circle
  • Yoga Class

If you think your group should be on this list, or would like to apply to be exemp from deposits and advance payment, please contact us here